HealthPartners by the Numbers

Total Compensation to Hospital Execs in 2019 [1]
$ 0 M
Average Compensation of the Top 61 Executives
$ 0 K
Highest Exec Salary, President and CEO Andrea Walsh
$ 0 M
Annual Revenue in 2010 [2]
$ 0 B
Annual Revenue in 2020
$ 0 B
Excess Revenues in 2020 [3]
$ 0 M

Where does that money go?

The Lown Institute Hospitals Index is an independent research group that collects data on healthcare organizations and ranks them based on their performance across health outcomes, value, and equity. Below are some of their rankings for HealthPartners’ Methodist and Regions hospitals that provide a sense of what their real priorities are.[4] It’s clear that that money does not go to the community or to hospital staff.


Methodist Hospital

Regions Hospital

Pay Equity, CEOs to Staff



Charity Care Score



Community Investment



HealthPartners has seen fairly consistent annual growth in revenue, as well as excesses of revenue over expenses—better known as profits. HealthPartners even maintained profitability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. And HealthPartners executives are rewarded handsomely for putting profits before patients.

HealthPartners Annual Revenue 2010-2020 [5]

HealthPartners Excess of Revenues Over Expenses [6]


[1] 2019 990 Schedule J filed June 25, 2021

[2] CAFRs 2010 – 2020


[4] and

[5] CAFRs 2010 – 2020

[6] ibid